This test case points to a data: URL. If address bar is not updated to data: URL, this means data: URLs are not tracked and can be potentially used for spoofing.
This test case utilizes data: URL and an iframe pointing to filtered port. If address bar is not updated to data: URL, this can be potentially used for spoofing in some scenarios.
This test case calls native UIWebView trying to spoof
If a browser fails this test (allows spoofing), it is probably caused by not updating address bar on didFailLoadWithError
This test case calls native UIWebView trying to spoof
This test case verifies address bar behaviour on about: URL other than about:blank (in this case, about:history).
This test case redirects to non-existent domain. If this page content still remains, but the address bar ends up being, it may be used for spoofing.
This test case is redirecting to filtered port in a loop. If address bar is updated before navigation actually happens, this allows address bar spoofing.
In case of a mobile device, the user is likely to ignore the progress bar, if there is any.
The next part is about downloads